Constitution of Felicitas Masonic Lodge No. 760.

An Occasional Communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Down was held in the Masonic Hall, Park Road, Belfast on Tuesday 29th. May 1953 at 6.30 p.m. for the purpose of Constituting and Dedicating the “Felicitas” Masonic Lodge No. 760.
The Prov. Grand Master, R. Wor. Bro. Sir William Robinson, JP., presided and was accompanied by R.W. Bro. Wm. Keith, FSAA., Assistant Provincial Deputy Grand Master.

Other Officers in attendance were:-

V. W. Bro. W.A. Shooter P.S.G.W.
V. W. Bro. Frederick Ewing P.J.G.W.
V. W. Bro. Sydney Hanna, MBE P.G. Treasurer
V. W. Bro. R.S.C. Davison P.G. Secretary
W. Bro. Glynne Davies P.G. Chaplain
W. Bro. W. Clarke P.S.G.D.
W. Bro. J.H. McGowan P.J.G.D.
W. Bro. S. McIlveen, MRIAI. P.G. Supr. of Works.
V. W. Bro. D.G. Wilson P.G. Dir. of Cer.
V. W. Bro. E. Hodgett, JP P.G. Dir. of Cer.
V. W. Bro. J.H. Towell P.G. Dir. of Cer.
W. Bro. W.J. Mitchell P.G. Junior Stwd.
W. Bro. J. Duff P.G. Swd. Br.
W. Bro. G. Hulatt P.G. Stwd. of Charities
W. Bro. James Shannon P.G. Org.
W. Bro. A.V. Froggatt, JP P.G. Org
W. Bro. J. Copeland P.G.M’s St. Br.
W. Bro. Jos. Kelly P.G. St. Br.
W. Bro. J.M. Davidson P.G.I.G.
The ceremony of Constitution was carried out according to ancient usage. The Provincial Grand Master then Installed W. Bro. Donald C. Carley as Worshipful Master of Lodge 757, and he in turn installed his own Officers.
At the conclusion of the business of Lodge 760 the Provincial Grand Lodge Officers resumed their places and the Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed; Peace, Love and Harmony prevailing.
The Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge were afterwards entertained at Dinner by the Members of the newly Constituted Lodge.